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Helping Your Law Firm Overcome Resistance to Digital Transformation
May 24, 2021

Digital transformation and digital acceleration have become mantras for the business world, and the COVID crisis has pushed the pace of digital transformation to new heights...

Your Legal Calendaring Cheat Sheet: Counting Down the Days Until Court
May 18, 2021

Automating everything in your firm from intake to invoice gives you the best opportunity to thrive...

Creating the Perfect Case Starts with the Client Intake Process
May 16, 2021

Automating the legal client intake process —  everything from onboarding to invoice — gives your firm the best opportunity to thrive...

KPIs for Your Law Firm
May 15, 2021

Running and managing a successful law firm is about more than just the practice of law...

Five Signs Your Law Firm Needs to Embrace Legal Technology
April 9, 2021

Law firms have traditionally been slow to pursue new legal technologies, even when they potentially offer substantial cost savings and productivity improvement...

Client-focused Innovation is Your Law Firm’s Path to Growth
April 8, 2021

Software developers have long been focused on customer focused innovation, continuously improving the user experience (UX)...

How Can Reducing Non-Billable Hours Make Good Legal Firms Better?
April 7, 2021

We all agree that the primary source of revenue for law practices is client billing...

Client Focus: Should SMB Client Needs Be Driving Your Technology Decisions?
September 11, 2020

As a law firm representing SMB clients, learn how to adjust your business model and service offerings to address their particular needs...

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